Let’s Dive in!

Hello. I’m a Portland AND Pacific Northwest-based photographer, videographer, creative director and the founder of Sirena Pictures.

I’m a passionate observer and explorer, whether strolling through a foreign village or landscape, framing a portrait, hiking a lake shore, mountain trail or putting out to sea– my cameras are always with me, illuminating the distinctiveness of cultures, people and environments. I weave these passions into specializing and collaborating with individuals and brands to craft and communicate their unique visual stories. 

My 25 years of expertise in photography, videography, brand content, and art/creative direction began after graduating from UC San Diego and moving to San Francisco. There, I was fortunate to work with world acclaimed photographers such as retail brand studio photographer, Robert Birnbach, music photographer, Jim Marshall, and architectural photographer, Scott Frances. My love and study of film, international relations and art history led me to videography and my journey came to Portland where I landed gigs with documentary filmmakers and television producers such as Emmy Award winning action sports tv/film director, Erich Lyttle.  This varied experience has enabled me to develop a creative network that is dedicated to excellence, resulting in crafted and inspired outcomes in a constantly evolving media and brand story landscape.

My clients have included Nike, Red Bull Media, Delta Sky, Lindell Yachts, Intel, Fish Marketing, Starz and Lionsgate, and my photo and video work with talented crews with Sirena Pictures has garnered awards and high recognition.

My relationship with travel, nature and location work is a key motivator for my journey as a visual communicator. I value a next opportunity to turn my eye and collaborations to the issues of our planet’s environment, social responsibility and sustainability.